At RSWE we identified a rising need of persistent archived conference objects for workflow based information systems. There are multiple advantages:
1. Having content stored away and secure it against "misadministration".
2. Having all the stuff in native file system formats - and not in proprietary FirstClass format.
3. Following legal archiving requirements.
4. Import of FirstClass content into any other application (workflow)
and last but not least
To cover these requirements we have developed FC ARCHIVE.
FC ARCHIVE behaves like a special purpose FirstClass client which connects to a remote FirstClass server using a given account. After login this tool offers read operations inside the account's mailbox and/or offline conferences.
FC ARCHIVE is a windows based command line tool which can be scheduled using Window's scheduler applications. During one run several options can be set, e.g.:
- Retrieval of mailbox content
- Retrieval of conference content
- Automatic extraction of mailheader objects, which can be included inside the mail body text
- retrieval of attachment files only (cool for eBooks archives....)
After one run the mail objects are stored hierarchical inside the local file system (NTFS, FAT, etc.):
With each run a structured report file is generated which may act as starting point for follow-up workflow tasks. The report file contains all information about the previous archived FirstClass objects.
An example report:
-VERSION: 6100
-SITEID: 9905266
-SITENAME: Your Organization Name
-DATE: Fri Aug 23 20:43:47 2002
-FROM: Administrator
-ID: 26988
-TO: Administrator
-DATE: Fri Aug 23 20:43:47 2002
-SUBJECT: Hugemail
-FROM: michael reinke
-ID: 32937
-TO: Administrator
-ATTACHMENT: fcgate.pdb
Copyright 2004-2006 by RSWE. All rights reserved.
FC MEMEX is a registered trademark of RSWE.